Due to the minimal restrictions in place in Wales our services are operating as normal. Our Health & Safety guidance requests our staff to take a LFT should they have symptoms of the Coronavirus and self-isolate should they test positive. If you are worried about any of our staff visiting your home, you can request they wear a mask on entrance. We will continue to advise staff who are in close contact with our tenants to remain cautious and still undertake preventative measure to limit the chance of infection. We thank you for your understanding and patience.

Keeping you safe in your home remains our top priority.
Our services have now resumed to normal but we have taken extra precaution to ensure you stay safe while we visit your home to undertake any repairs.
During office hours (8am – 5pm) please call 01633 255900
Outside office hours (5pm – 8am) please call 07730 526 371
No Cadwyn tenant will lose their home because of financial difficulties around the Coronavirus. If you are worried about being able to pay your rent please get in touch with us as soon as possible so that we can support and advise you. Contact the Rents Team on 029 2049 8898.
If you are an employee and earn at least £118 a week, you are entitled to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP). Usually you must be off for at least four days in a row, but the Government has announced SSP will be paid from the first day if you are off sick and it is related to Coronavirus. If you’re not eligible for SSP, you might be able to claim other benefits.
Some further info can be found here:
If you would like any additional advice on claiming these benefits, please contact one of our Financial Inclusion Coaches on 029 2049 8898 and ask to speak to Melanie Morgan or Delyth Murphy or contact a local advice agency such as Citizens Advice, Speakeasy or your local Hyb.
Alternatively, you can email the team at rents.team@cadwyn.co.uk and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
- Using MyCadwyn APP – You can download Cadwyn’s Tenant App for Apple or Android here and make payments via Allpay or view a mini statement of your account. You can also use the App to report repairs on your property and give feedback to us.
- By Direct Debit: this is the easiest way to pay your rent. Please contact us on029 2049 8898to set up a Direct Debit over the phone. You can choose weekly, fortnightly, four weekly or monthly payments. The rents team can also assist you with setting up a Standing Order or take a payment over the phone by debit card. However, please consider staff shortages and not being able to get through straight away.
- By phone, 24/7: If you want to pay your rent by telephone anytime then you can do this by calling 0330 0416497 (local rates apply). Your call will be directed to the Allpay payment line. Please note that you will need your 19 digit Allpay reference number to make an automated rent payment.
- Internet payments – you can make secure online payments at any time at www.allpayments.net using your Payment Reference Number (PRN) from your swipe card or barcode and your bank card
- Telephone payments – for those customers who do not like to make online payments, this simple automated telephone system takes your customers through every step of the payment process which fully meets PCI compliance requirements, again using their PRN
- Mobile APP – available on both Apple and Android devices, this secure app can easily be set up with a bank card to make payments on a regular basis after a simple registration
- Text payments – even without a smartphone you can register and make payments after a brief registration online
All services have resumed and we are operating as normal.
The Newport Road Offices remain closed. If you do need to contact us then please call us on 029 2049 8898 so we can help. We have staff available to take rent payments, repairs and all other key services.
Please contact us on 029 2049 8898 or email info@calon.com to confirm your move out date and provide us with your forwarding address.
Please label your keys with your name and address and deposit them in the letterbox at the front entrance of our Head Office – 197 Newport Road, Roath, Cardiff, CF24 1AJ.
If you are unable to move out of your property at the end of your notice period, please contact us to let us know. Please contact our Customer Advisor Team on 029 2049 8898 who will be able to put you through to the correct person.
At the moment, you will still be able to sign for your new home. We will advise you by telephone of the arrangements which may change slightly over the coming days.
Please do not be alarmed if Cadwyn staff ask you questions relating to your health. This is a precaution to keep all people safe. We will do our best to get you into your new home in good time.
If you think you’ve been in close contact with someone with confirmed coronavirus, visit https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response to find out what to do.
The Government advice to prevent the spread is as follows:
• Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser that contains at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
• Avoid close contact with people who are unwell
• If you feel unwell, stay at home and do not attend work or school
• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue then throw the tissue in the bin and then wash your hands immediately
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces in the home and work environment
Please also let Cadwyn know by emailing us at info@cadwyn.co.uk or calling 029 2049 8898. Cadwyn will follow any advice provided by the Government following a confirmed case of coronavirus in our properties.
We continue to monitor the coronavirus situation and will take advice & guidance from the Welsh Government You can also keep up-to-date on the current restrictions in your area by visiting the Welsh Government website Please keep checking our Facebook page for the most up to date information.