Over the next coming months, we are working on maintenance checks within your home. Here are a few FAQs to why it is important we carry out the maintenance checks in your home.
You may or may not have heard us referring to the Renting Homes (Wales) Act, The Act will bring changes to your contract that protects you and ensures your property is always in good repair. You do not need to do anything, we will contact you with information on how the Renting Homes (Wales) Act impacts you.
What is the Renting Homes (Wales) Act?
Under the new law, tenants and licencees will become ‘contract-holders’. Tenancy agreements will be replaced with ‘occupation contracts’. The new law will make renting easier and provide greater security.
Click here to find out what this means for you as a tenant here at Cadwyn
What checks will be undertaken?
To ensure we are compliant it is important that you are allowing access for regular checks and any Compliance Health & Safety checks such as Gas Servicing, Electrical Testing, Fire Maintenance & any surveyor checks. Under new Legislation we also must install Carbon Monoxide (CO2 Detectors) into our properties, newer properties would already have these as standard.
When will we hope to carry out these checks
We are aiming to carry out these installations with the annual Gas Safety Service where possible. We will be sending out letters and text appointments out with appointment dates which will state it’s for the installation, but there could be the off chance if we are in the area we may try knocking to see if you are home.
How long will the installation and checks take?
The installation of the detector should take no longer than 30 minutes, it is important that these detectors are left up when installed as they are there for your own safety, these detectors are there to alert you if high levels of Carbon Monoxide are present within the home.
How will the devices be maintained?
These detectors have a 10 year lifespan but please keep a check to make sure that no fault shows up on them (this will be indicated as a light on the fault section as shown in the picture below), they will also be checked as part of the annual Gas Safety checks going forward.